What Makes Great Teaching?

 As I was deciding on what strategies I wanted to include in my Top 5 List, I thought about strategies that I didn't really use when I was in school. I also wanted to pick strategies that made me do the most thinking and that really challenged myself. 

Blogging With Other Educators 

This task was useful because we had to communicate our ideas of the compelling questions to our peers. It worked for me because I was able to express my ideas and read my peers’ thoughts as we worked through the modules.

Selecting Golden Lines to Determine Importance

Selecting golden lines involves reading something and picking out the lines that are significant to you or stick out from the other lines. I enjoyed this task because there was no right or wrong answer, it allowed me to think freely and bring meaning to what I was reading.

Text-to-World Connections to Empathy Limiting Mistakes

For this task, we had to read chapter 6 of This Book Will Make You Kinder: An Empathy Handbook by James Garrett to learn about empathy mistakes, then find some sort of media that discussed an empathy mistake that we make. This task helped me engage in media and find useful videos that make connections to what I was learning.

DOs and DON'Ts

This task involved reading about trans youths and then selecting 3 things we as educators can do to support and protect our trans students, then select 3 things we want to avoid doing when we have a trans student. This task was helpful because I feel like it’s a task we can use for multiple topics on how we can be a better advocate for our students.


To do this task, we were provided a rubric and asked to grade ourselves on the work we did for our blogs. This is a great task to have students evaluate whether or not their assignments are meeting the rubrics and worthy of a good grade. 
