What lengths am I willing to go to in order to do right by every child?

One of the main reasons I wanted to become an educator was so that I could represent my culture. I come from a hispanic household and I attended a mostly white high school. What made me upset about it was that there was no representation for my culture in any of the classrooms. Not even in the Spanish Classes, which was taught by a white British lady. This doesn't just apply to my culture, but all the students of colors culture. There was no one advocating for us and telling us that our background mattered too. I want to change that when I have my own class. I really appreciate that as I am going through my teaching classes this semester, there is a lot of helpful information about how to support minority students and how to include different cultures in your teachings. I plan to use all of this helpful information when I start teaching. I want to build a personal relationship with each of my students so that they never have to feel they don't have a voice. 
I believe the school education system needs improvement when it comes to advocating for minority students. As we learned through the modules equality does not equal equity. I think it's important that current and future teachers learn together with their students on what is best for them. Our classrooms are already so diverse and they're becoming more diverse each year. If we want our students to succeed then these are the changes we need to make.  


  1. Hi Lili! I think your post was worded perfectly! I also come from a Hispanic household, and I would love to see more culture representation in the classrooms. I also came from a majority white school, and you could see how minorities would be treated differently, compared to someone that was white. As a future teacher myself, I want my students to know that their race, ethnicity, beliefs, and religion, won't make me treat them any differently. Everyone deserves to feel accepted in this world, especially at a young age. I say at a young age because kids will remember what they dealt with while growing up, and they'll hang on to that for the rest of their lives. Every student deserves to be treated equally, but as an individual. I 100% agree when you said that you wanted to know your students on an individual level because different students, need different needs. I think this is the best way to be a successful teacher, and a teacher that students can trust and always come to. I enjoyed reading your post!

  2. Hi Lili! I liked your word cloud, it really grasped the main concepts of the module. I also think you are absolutely right when you said that cultures are not showed enough in school. I'm sorry you had to experience there being no representation of your culture, but hopefully as a teacher you can change that narrative and ensure that all of your student's cultures are talked about and expressed! I also really liked that you mentioned that equality does not mean equity. As a white women, I know that initially students might feel as though I will not accept their backgrounds or cultures, but similar to you, I want to create a relationship with each of my students and truly get to understand where they come from so that I can make sure they feel heard and accepted in my classroom. I feel that our generation as teachers will make sure our classrooms are equitable, accepting, respectful, and inclusive of ALL students. Thank you for sharing!

  3. Hi Lili! Your word cloud really captures the same ideas that I had on mine! You mentioned in your post that you were a student in school who never saw representation of your culture in your classrooms, and I think thats what makes you such a great candidate for a teacher in the sense that you know what it feels like to not be represented in a place that you attended everyday for years of your life. I really think our future generations needs teachers like that who will create an experience opposite from their own, and bring in diversity and culture into the classrooms! A point that you made was that our classrooms are becoming more diverse each year, and as teachers we need to continue to adjust our lessons and our representation in the classroom to fit the needs of our students. I couldn’t agree more, that students shouldn’t have to adjust to the schools ways but instead the schools adjust to them!


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